Donnerstag, 21. Februar 2008

pro/contra essay

Violence is a very big part of movies. In every genre of films you can see violence, physical or verbal. Some people belive that such movies make a part of the audience use the violence, that they see on TV or in the cinema, in their real life. Should violent films be banned from the screens?

Supporter for the ban of violence say that such films are very unrealistic. For example if the heroe of a violent film is hit by a bullet, he just walks on like nothing happens, but the enemys die with nearly every hit. The heroes also have a very high hit rate, and the enemys can shoot the hole magazin at the heroe but they don't hit.
Supporters also believe that such films animate some poeple to do things they saw in films in real. Like in one case a group of men lavished a random man with gas and then they burnt him. Such a sceen was in a movie which the men saw just before.
But most of the violent films are so unrealistic that no normal person gets violent by watching such films. As someone runs amok because of a film he/she gets on the title page of every news paper. But how many people do not run amok after such a film? Much more, and anyone can confirm this.
And what about the nonviolent films? They are even successfuller than violent films. In many of the last years were nonviolent films the most viewed films. That shows that not everyone loves violence.
We also don't turn into a nonviolent society because we don't watch violent movies. Violence is nothing that came with movies, and it won't go with movies.

Some people think that films make people violent. But without violent films our society would be as violent as it was, and such films are just to amuse us. So just lay back, turn your brain of and watch this stupid amusement, because for this such films are made.