Donnerstag, 22. März 2007


A: Good morning little boy.
B: Good morning, sir.
A: Can i ask you some questions?
B: Why not?
A: First of all, how old are you?
B: Tem, sir.
A: And what do you have to work. Do you work in factory?
B: No, but one of my older brothers work in one.
A: So where do you work?
B: I have towork as a chimney sweper.
A: So tell us, what do you have to do there?
B: I have to climb into chimneys and clean them, because i'm so thin. But it's a very dangerous job. I often hurt my leg and so and it's very dirty. If you have an open wound it's usually that you get ignition. The chance that you die at it is big.
A: And what does your brother work?
B: I don't know exactly, becuase everytime he gets home he is so tired that he just fells asleep. But i think they need him because he have so little arms they can do finer work than machines.
A: Do you have any sisters?
B: Yes sir. 2. They both work at a farm. They have to do very bad things like picking up the stones before the plants were sown.
A: And what about school. Do you go to school?
B: No sir. We aren't able to go to school.
A: Why not?
B: Our family needs the money. Without it we would starve to death. School is manly what for richer children. I heared that boys and girls have diferent subjects. And if the children don`t listen to the teacher, thea were hit by him with a ruler. I don#t know more about school.
A: And what do you do in your free time?
B: Me and my brothers and sisters just have teddy bear and a wooden locomotive. But we don't have much time to play. Usually we go on the streets to play. On sunday we we always go to the park. There play little bands . Then we listen to them .
A: What about your parents, how are they?
B: They work very hard. My father is nearly the whole day in a fay#ctory and my mother has to do the whole work at home. She has to cook for 7 people, wash for 7 people and stuff like that. But thats not all. Like my sisters she have to work on a farm.They both are very strikt.
A: Ok, i think that was it. Thank you for that great interview.
B: No problem, sir. You're welcome.

1 Kommentar:

Guenter hat gesagt…

You have some information on the liviing conditions of children - less about women and the general background. Your English tends to be fairly simple.
(sp) I --> always with a capital letter
(sp) ten --> typo!
(exp) what do you have to work --> Why kind of work do you do? / How do you earn your living? ...
(g) in a factory (article)
(g) one of my brothers works in one
(sp) typo --> to work
(exp) chimney sweep
(exp) leg and so ...-> "and so" is superfluous
(g/exp) it's normal
(exp) ignition = Zündung (bei Auto)
(exp) to die of it
(exp) and what kind of work does your brother do?
(sp)typo --> because
(sp) every time
(g) he just falls asleep
(g) he has
(exp) short arms
(str) short arms which can do ...
(exp) "bad things" --> badly expressed
(t) before the plants are sown
(exp) manly <--> mainly
(exp) the school is mainly what ... --> that's German sentence with English words; that's mainly true of richer kids
(t / g) I've heard that...
(sp) different
(g/sp /str) they are hit with a ruler by him
(exp) usually we play in the street
(sp) Sunday --> capital letter from week days, months
(str) there bands play
(sp) that's not all
(g) she has ...
(sp) strict
(g) this great interview