Mittwoch, 12. Dezember 2007


Task 2

I don't think that this picture is art. It's just a picture, I could also take a picture like this. There's nothing special, on it, nothing that makes me see think or that makes me see thins in a different light, it's just a woman with a spade, standing in her garden. In my opinion this picture is just called art because an artist made it. As I said before, art has to look different, special and it should make me dream or think about something. I don't want to say that no photo can be art, but mostly photos are not art. A photo of art is art, a photo of special geographic places or phenomena, or a photo that shows me something in a different perspective can be art.


Task 1

Dear Christoph,
I've just seen a very interesting picture which evoke a lot of emotions in me. So I just want to describe you the picture , and what it expresses. On the painting you can see five people, four adult white men and a little black girl. Each man has a yellow band arround the left upper arm, on which it says "Deputy US Marshall. The people walk down a pavement from left to right. two men are on the left side of the picture, and two on the right side.In the middle the little black girl is walking with shining white clothes. In the background you can see a wall, on which someone worte "Nigger" and a tomato has been thrown at it. At the bottom of the picture stands the name of the artist: Normal Rochwell. I think the picture has a very deep sense. It*s about racism. The little girl is carring some books and a rukler, so i think she is walking to school. Bute there are too many racists there so it's too unsafe to let the girl walk to school alone., which is why the US government decide d to send 4 strong and tall man to protect the child, so taht no one can hurt her. It made me think about our society, that someone gets kocked out just because they have a darker skin than others. You also have to see the picture, maybe you can find it in the internet. I would recommend it to you.

Snow Falling On Cedars

The Japanese Kabuo Miyamoto is accused to have murdered Carl Heine, so he was brought to a trail. The victim was found by sheriff Art Moran. He found Carl's boat at White Sand Bay, but the owner of it was out of sight. They recognised that the fishing net was still in the water so they decided to bring it in. As they pulled the net in they saw Carl Heines dead body in the net. They saw a bing wound on his head. The sheriff said to Nels Gudmundsson, Kabuo's lawer, that there were two different batteries in the batterie holder: a D-6 and a D-8. Carl had just D-8 batteries, but on Kabuo's boat they found 2 D-6, but no spare battery
Horace Whaley, Island County Coroner, found a pink cream came out of Carls mouth. It was air, body liquids an seawater mixed by breathing , which means that Carl was still alive as he drowned in the sea. Whaley also found that the headwound could be caused by Kendo, a japanese fighting method with stick. On Carls boat they found a rope which was different from the others, but on Kabuos boat there were other ropes like this. So it could have been that Kabuo tied his boat together with Carl's boat and left a rope in a hurry. Dr. Whitman tested the blood that was found on a stick which was found on Carls boat, and he had to prove the blood on it. The stick fixed exactly into the wound in Carl's head. But on the stick were no hair and no bone, but if this was the weapon whoch killed Carl there had to be things like this on the stick. The blood was only on the handl of the tool. Sergeant Maples trained Kabuo for the 2. world war. He said that Kabuo is able to kill far larger man then himself with a fishing tool.
Then Kauo told his story what happenend on the sea when he last saw Carl. It wa sa foggy night and the batteries of Carl were dead so Kabuo gave him one of his. But it didn' fit so they had to make more space for the battery, and Carl did that with the stick that Kabuo gave him. While he worked he cut in his hand with the metal and he begun to bleed, so the blood got to the stick. Hatsue had an idea what could happen to Carl afterwards, so she sent Art Moran to the boat to search it. They found out that Carl Heine went on the mast on his boat to put a light up, but then came a big ship and threw him with big it's big waves down from the mast, so he got his head injury and then he fell into his net and finally into the water.

Mittwoch, 26. September 2007

Dear editor

I read your article "Giuliani forced into climbdown". It was about a artwork which shows the holy Virgin Mary adorned with elephant dung. I think that artsist have the right to create what they want, but a artist should know about the consequences of an artwork. It's very disrespectful if someone makes a picture in which he "adorne" one of the holiest person in a religion. I also think that it's not good if an artist only creates shocking art to get attention or to make promotion. Also shocking art has it's limits. The photos of an anorexic model are a good example of positive shocking art. It's against anoxeric models at the milano fashon week. Shocking art can be used very well to show the problems of our society, but some artists cross the line and tehy just provocate like the Virgin Mary in elephant dung.

yours simon

Donnerstag, 3. Mai 2007


One day, a new girl came to our school. Her name was Jane Eyre. Like me and all the other pupils she was an orphan. She lost both parents, just like me. In this school, there were only girls ho had lost one or both parents.
I was not so long on the school, I arrived just a week before Jane arrived. Like me, she was often alone. So I decided to talk to her. She seemed like a nice girl to me. I also never got much friends, so I was glad that we built up a friendship. We both got problems in school. It was a very bad school. The food was very bad, and in winter it was always very cold inside ad outside the school. Then the water we had to use to wash our self was frozen. One day Helen was hit by the teacher because her fingernails were dirty. I've met Helen 2 days before Jane met her. She was a good friend of us, always devotional. She was very intelligent. The time at the school was very bad. The saddest thing that happened to us was when Helen died. She died in front of me, in the arms of Jane. She had tuberculosis. It was a hard time for me and for Jane, but we could talk about the problem that we had. The death of Helen had starched the friendship of me and Jane.

Montag, 16. April 2007

London (SE). Bill Sikes, the most proble murderer of nancy, died in front of manyinhabitans after a persecution of the police. An inviolent person called Fagin was arersted and interragated. The missing boy oliver was also saved of after the abduction by the leader of a pickpocket gang.

Yesterday at 12 o'clock the withe dog of Bill Sikes brought the police to the hidding place, where over ten children were hidding. This children were allso members of the pickpocket gang. As the police arrived, Bill took Oliver and he escaped with him. The police and a crowed of people followed him, until he had an accident after a escape over the roofes of the houses. At teh accident he hanged himself. It was a succesfull night for the police, because they also cought Fagin, the leader of the pickpocket gang.
Oliver, who was a few weeks in captivity brought back to his stepfather Mr. Brownlow, who we interviewed: "I'm so glad that Oliver is saved. I'm sure, now that Oliver lives at me, he will have the best live that i can give him. He is like a son for me, which i've never got."
Now Oliver lives in the big house of his stepfather Mr. Brownlow, who is very rich. Oliver met Mr. Brownlow after he was charged to be member pickpocket gang, but Mr. Brownlow knew that it was not Oliver who robbed him, that it was another boy. So he came the first time to Mr. Brownlow, but then he was cought again by fagin and the pickpocket gang.
After a trial in London Fagin was arrestet for 15 years. The judges orderes that, because Fagin leaded the pickpocket gang for over 25 years. Oliver visited him after a few days.

Donnerstag, 22. März 2007


A: Good morning little boy.
B: Good morning, sir.
A: Can i ask you some questions?
B: Why not?
A: First of all, how old are you?
B: Tem, sir.
A: And what do you have to work. Do you work in factory?
B: No, but one of my older brothers work in one.
A: So where do you work?
B: I have towork as a chimney sweper.
A: So tell us, what do you have to do there?
B: I have to climb into chimneys and clean them, because i'm so thin. But it's a very dangerous job. I often hurt my leg and so and it's very dirty. If you have an open wound it's usually that you get ignition. The chance that you die at it is big.
A: And what does your brother work?
B: I don't know exactly, becuase everytime he gets home he is so tired that he just fells asleep. But i think they need him because he have so little arms they can do finer work than machines.
A: Do you have any sisters?
B: Yes sir. 2. They both work at a farm. They have to do very bad things like picking up the stones before the plants were sown.
A: And what about school. Do you go to school?
B: No sir. We aren't able to go to school.
A: Why not?
B: Our family needs the money. Without it we would starve to death. School is manly what for richer children. I heared that boys and girls have diferent subjects. And if the children don`t listen to the teacher, thea were hit by him with a ruler. I don#t know more about school.
A: And what do you do in your free time?
B: Me and my brothers and sisters just have teddy bear and a wooden locomotive. But we don't have much time to play. Usually we go on the streets to play. On sunday we we always go to the park. There play little bands . Then we listen to them .
A: What about your parents, how are they?
B: They work very hard. My father is nearly the whole day in a fay#ctory and my mother has to do the whole work at home. She has to cook for 7 people, wash for 7 people and stuff like that. But thats not all. Like my sisters she have to work on a farm.They both are very strikt.
A: Ok, i think that was it. Thank you for that great interview.
B: No problem, sir. You're welcome.