Sonntag, 15. März 2009

The importance of being well-informed

we live in a world where we can get thousands of informations and news out of many sources, like TV, internet and newspaper. But is it improtant for people to stay informed? I think it's a very important thing and in the following paragraphs i will show you why.

First of all, if you are well informed about whats going on on this world you have allways something to talk about with your friends and family. You can discuss about an issue or the latest results of elections, like recently in the USA the election for presidency. You also make the impression that you are a quite intelligent person if you know what happens in our society. Furthermore it's easier to make knew contacs if people don't think that you are stupid and you don't know whats going on.

Secondly, it's importan to follow the news because if there is a big storm coming or even a natural catastropg like an hurricane it can save your live, because then you have time to prepare for such a catastroph and avoid worse. An other good example are avalanches. Every year die many people because they don't know about the danger of avalanches in certain regions. This could be avoid if the people watch the news or read the newspaper, because there are mostly reports about the alarm level of avalanches.

As you may know we live in a democracy, and because of this its really important to be well informed about politics, about the problems in the state and also about solutions that are given. It was a long way to this political system, and now it's our turn to make the right decisions. So if they have the right to elect theire politicans, then they shoukd be informed about them. Therefore people have to watch the news, read the newspaper and listen to the radio.

To conclude i have to say that not all news are the same important, but it's never a disadvantage if you are informed in "unimportant" things like stars and promis. But all in all its very important for all people to stay informed, read the newspaper , watch tv or use the internet for getting information.

Montag, 2. März 2009

This graph shows the rate of the population in the USA which have their birthplace in a foreign country from the beginning of the 20th century to 1998.
until 1910 there was an increase of the foreigners. If you look at the graph closely
you can see that it climbs up to 15%, but from then on the population decreases nearly constantly until 1970. Then it recovers and it rises up to 9% in 1998.

Boyz in the Hood

Group 1: What kind of lessonds does Furious Styles teach his son Tre.
Do they guarantee a better life?

-> Show respect (3 rules)
1.) Look people onto their eyes | leading person-> doesn’t be lead by others
2.) Stealing is not necessary | Rule is self reliance
3.) Show everybody respect who respects you back

Black add white persons have different aims (e.g. the Army)

-> What a real man is
• real men are allowed to have kids
• trying to be responsible
• take care on children, family, job
• you have to know your problem and not these from the other ones (Ricky: shooting)
-> better think at your future
• structure life
• leader (leadership)

• work is not dirty- it is important (have to be done by society)
• black/white: respect soldiers; stealing is not necessary, brotherhood (not hate black people, you should understand them
• not only put your dick in women -> there is more than that

In our opinion, the rules of Furious Styles do guarantee a better life. Not for nothing he is one of the few survivors. It was absolutely right, to went out of the car and let adjust Ricky’s brother the situation on himself. It was his problem- not the problem of Tre

job application

Gallusstraße 7
A-6844 Altach
2nd March 2009
THQ, Kaos
Attn: Recruiting
129 W. 27th St.
8th floor
New York, NY 10001

Dear ThQ-Team,
I read on your webside that you are looking for a
Graphics Programmer and I'm really interested in
this job. Since I was a teenager i spent a lot of time at my pc, playing many of your great computer
games. And once I started to modifie your game Company Of Heroes, i also made new models
and textures. And because I liked that so much I studied computer graphics at the University in
Vienna. After that I worked 2 years for a small company which produced small computer games.

I have all of the required skills and experiences i need for your job: I am a good team worker, I
have nearly 3 years of experience in c++ architecture design and far over 5 years of
experence with
3D Studio Max and I have excellent 3D math skills. In addition to this I have
also an excellent imagination and I'm very creative.

I can be reached all the time by my cellphone, 123 456 789. I hope I successfully showed you that I
have lots of experience as a graphic programmer and it would be great if I can work in your team.

Sincerely yours,
Simon Ender

Sonntag, 1. März 2009

letter of complaint

Mösleweg 16
A-6840 Götzis
Frebruary 1st, 2009

1190 Wien
Heiligenstädter Lände 27c

Dear Gerald Heidegger,

The reason that i am writing you is that the way how women are shown in the advertisments is completle
You should know that i'm a member of the organisation "men and women for a right exposition of women in advertisment", a.k.a. MAWFAREOWIA, and our organisation follows the deployment of the role of women in advertisments since nearly 20 years. In this time periode we could see how women are shown as an object, and it gets worse every year. For example in ads for a cleaning product or something like this, there are allways women who promotw the product, never men. Young girls learn from he beginning that cleaning is work for women, not for men. Another problem is that the women in ads are allways beautiful and very thin. And this influences young girls extremely. Nowadays there are thousands of young girls or womens who think that they are too fat or ugly, although the are not fat or chubby or even ugly. The children and teenager grow up with teenagers, television is kind of the upbringer for young people. Studies showed that they spend more time on watching TV than spending time with theire family. And if you only watch 2 hours a day over a long time, you begin to think that what the TV shows you is right.

So what i am trying to say is that your TV station should not submit the discrimination of women in advertisment. It's time the that the situation changes and that the seperation of roles stops. You could do the first step.

Yours sincerely,